What to Do When Facing an HVAC Emergency

Your HVAC system works hard to keep your home comfortable all year long. But even the best systems can malfunction or break down, leading to an emergency situation. When this happens, it’s important to understand a list of dos and don’ts in order to get your system up and running again as quickly as possible.

Here are a few tips for dealing with an HVAC emergency:

First Complete This “To Do” Checklist

Before you call for emergency HVAC repair services, it’s important to complete a quick checklist of things you can do to try to mitigate the problem. AC repair in Aledo, TX experts recommend this as it will not only help save time, but it may also save you money if the issue is something small that you can fix on your own.

  • Check the power supply – Check to see if the AC unit is properly plugged in and the that the circuit breaker isn’t tripped. If it’s not plugged in or the breaker has been tripped, simply fix those issues and restart the unit.
  • Check your AC thermostat’s battery – A dying battery can cause your AC unit to behave erratically. If you have a digital thermostat, simply replace the batteries and see if that does the trick.
  • Ensure the thermostat is set to “heat” or “cool” – If the thermostat is not set to either heat or cool, then it can’t do its job properly.
  • Ensure the outside AC unit is running – Listen for the sound of the compressor and fan. If you don’t hear anything, check to see if there’s any debris around the unit that may be blocking it from running.
  • Clear away any debris – Debris can build up around your AC unit over time and prevent it from working properly. Be sure to clear away any leaves, dirt, or twigs that may have accumulated.
  • Look for signs of damage or leaks – If you see any water leaks or visible damage to the unit, it’s best to call for professional help as this could be a more serious issue.
  • Clean or replace your AC’s air filter – A dirty air filter will restrict airflow and cause your unit to work harder than necessary, leading to a breakdown.

Don’t Try and Fix it Yourself

The above checklist aims to help you determine whether you can fix the problem yourself or if it’s time to call in a professional. AC units are complex pieces of machinery, and attempting to repair them without experience or guidance can lead to further damage and expensive repairs. In some cases, it may even void your warranty.

Unless you’re licensed to diagnose and fix HVAC problems, it’s best to leave repairs to the experts. In the meantime, as you wait for emergency services, there are a few things you can do to minimize the damage and ensure comfort.

  • If your air conditioner is leaking water, for example, shut off the power to avoid electrocution.
  • If it’s blowing hot air, close the windows and doors in the affected area to prevent the problem from spreading.
  • If the unit has completely stopped working, open the windows to ventilate your home until help arrives.
  • If it’s not working during winter, you can try running a space heater in the meantime.
  • If it’s not working during summer, try to stay cool and comfortable by opening windows, using fans, or heading to a cooler area of the house.

Call an HVAC Technician

When facing an HVAC emergency, the best course of action is to call an experienced and certified HVAC technician. Doing so will ensure that the problem is diagnosed correctly and fixed in a timely manner. It’s also important to have a reputable company on hand in case of future emergencies. You never know when your HVAC system will need repairs or maintenance, so it’s always best to be prepared.