Warning Signs Your Household Water Is Contaminated

7 Warning Signs Your Household Water Is Contaminated

There’s no doubt water is essential to human existence. Aside from being a primary source of life, it can be used in several ways at home. Whether you’re washing the dishes, preparing and cooking food, doing the laundry, and gardening, you need clean and safe water to do all these household chores.

However, some supplies of tap water around the world may be contaminated with harsh chemicals and other harmful contaminants and impurities, which could be a problem for affected households. Drinking and using unsafe water may cause them serious health issues as well as damage their home appliances and plumbing system as a whole.

Thus, as a homeowner, if you want to protect your family members from water contamination, you should be aware of the following warning signs from the get-go.

1. Colored Water

Typically, water used for drinking and household chores should be clean, clear, and safe. But if you notice discoloration in your water supply, it could be an indication your water is contaminated and no longer safe to use at home.

The most common discoloration you’d detect in water is when it turns brown or orange. This happens for many reasons. And as a water specialist like the one in A-1 Sewer and Septic Service explains to us, the change in color of water could be due to old, rusty pipes. Other reasons may be a high level of iron or manganese caused by excavation or construction and routine flushing intended to clean out pipes, among many more.

So if you notice a strange color in your water supply, don’t hesitate to call a professional. They’d help you assess the situation and provide a solution to the problem as soon as possible.

2. Cloudy Water

Your household water should be clear, especially if it’s used for drinking, so you can rest knowing your water is clean and safe at all times. However, if you notice your water has a cloudy and foamy appearance, it could be a sign there are certain contaminants or disinfectant agents in it. In this case, your water could pose danger to your family’s health.

Hence, always check your supply at home, and in case the water coming from your faucets is cloudy, better not drink or use it. Instead, call your water service provider or get your water examined using a testing kit.

3. Dirt And Sediments In Water

Dirt And Sediments In Water

Another warning sign your water may be contaminated is when you find dirt and other sediments in it. Although these particles are generally harmless, their presence could lead to something worse, like more harmful contaminants being added to your water. This usually happens when there’s a crack or rupture in the main water line, allowing dirt and sediments to seep into the water channel.

Thus, to reduce the health risk caused by dirt, sediments, and other contaminants that may find their way to your water, installing the right water filtration system might be an excellent option. It may be one of the best ways to make your water potable and safe as it’s believed to remove the impurities added to it.

4. Strange Water Smell

While most supplies of tap water contain chlorine to kill bacteria, too much of this element could be a sign your water is contaminated. Typically, having excessive chlorine could result in having an unusual smell in your water, like a chlorine or sulfur smell. Although low consumption of these chemicals may remain harmless, high concentrations of chlorine or sulfur could cause some serious health issues, including skin irritation and intestinal problems.

To avoid these health issues from affecting your entire household, be vigilant when your water has a strange smell. If you’re worried about it, you can buy a water test kit to know what’s going on with your water or hire a professional to identify the problem and resolve it.

5. Stains And Spots In Home Appliances

When you detect stains and spots of water in your home appliances, it could be an indication you have hard water, which means it has high levels of calcium and magnesium. A high concentration of these minerals in your water supply could have many adverse effects.

For instance, the accumulation of mineral deposits could result in frequent breakdowns in your house assets as well as the plumbing system. Also, it could make the detergents you use for doing the laundry and washing dishes less efficient, thereby causing discoloration in your clothes, as well as skin irritation.

To handle this water issue, buying a water distiller or a softener may be a good option. It could help in eliminating harsh minerals and other contaminants in your household water. As a result, you can have peace of mind knowing your water is safe to use.

6. Bitter Or Metallic Water Taste

In most cases, water has no taste. But in the event your supply comes with a bitter or metallic taste, it could mean you’re dealing with water contamination. Generally, having this unusual taste in your home water indicates it contains dangerous substances that aren’t good for consumption. These substances could include industrial chemicals, herbicides, medication, and pesticides. If you want to get rid of the bitter or metallic taste in your home water, contact a water treatment specialist who can help you address this problem.

7. Gastrointestinal Problems

Gastrointestinal concerns may be an unusual sign your household water is contaminated. However, in case you or any of your family members experience some gastrointestinal problems, the possibility they may be due to water contamination is there. Some common gastrointestinal issues that could be caused by impurities or contaminants in water may include aches, dehydration, diarrhea, nausea, stomach crampings, and many more.

That’s why if you suspect water contamination has something to do with your family’s gastrointestinal problems, call your doctor right away to seek medical attention. Also, consider contacting a water treatment professional to get your water tested right away.

The Takeaway

The presence of contaminants in your household water comes with negative effects. Fortunately, by keeping these warning signs in mind, you could easily detect contamination in your water. Once you detect any of them, you’d know what the real problems are and possibly how to address them. And to address the problems more appropriately, call a water treatment specialist and you’d be on your way to having clean and safe water at home any time of the day.