Loft Apartment

What is a Loft Apartment?

A loft is an elevated area under the roof of a building. It is also called the attic and is often accessible by a ladder. Loft apartments are large; adaptable spaces usually converted for other uses. You’ll find them in modern buildings such as warehouses, retail stores, or office buildings.

Hard Lofts

Hard lofts are converted warehouses and other industrial buildings that were once unusable. These units often have large windows and exposed brick walls. In addition, these spaces sometimes have poor insulation. As such, they can be very drafty. However, they are typically well-lit, with beautiful views.

The downside of hard lofts is that they don’t have closets. Instead, you can use open racks to store your clothes. Hard lofts also often have low ceilings and walls that do not go up. These features can lead to loud and echoing rooms, but you can use creative decorating techniques to counteract them.

Choose a soft loft if you want a loft-like feel without a lot of clutter. These apartments like those lofts for sale St. Louis, MO, mimic the look and feel of hard lofts but aren’t converted factory buildings. Soft lofts also have updated utilities, modern features, and built-in storage. Some of these apartments even have bathrooms and laundry facilities. Even live-work lofts in certain cities are zoned for commercial use. These units are designed for entrepreneurs who run businesses from their homes.

Open-Floor Plan

Loft apartments with open-floor plans are increasingly popular. Although traditional lofts rarely come to market in Manhattan, developers have increasingly removed interior walls and opened up the spaces. Today’s “loftiest” new construction typically includes an open floor plan with closed-off areas such as a media room or study. Luxury construction also often features large bedrooms and bathrooms. The open-floor plan debate has also spawned several online discussion forums.

Loft apartments with an open floor plan typically have an open living space, separated from a small kitchen by a half-wall. This open-plan style tends to feature high ceilings and minimal square footage. Many apartments also feature a second platform partway through the room, often located over the kitchen. This second platform is used as the apartment’s bedroom.


Loft apartments have many common characteristics, such as high ceilings and open spaces. They also feature concrete or wood floors. These dwellings have a character from their industrial past and may have exposed brick or other architectural details. The interiors may also feature stained-glass windows or concrete support posts. These elements can help to create the loft spirit.

Most lofts are not designed to accommodate more than two people and may be uncomfortable for several roommates. If you value your privacy, you might prefer living in something other than an open-plan loft. Showers, for example, can be an open affair, and you may want to avoid sharing your bathroom with your roommate. You may also need help finding a quiet place to work in a space without walls. Fortunately, there are some options to solve these problems.


Loft apartments are in high demand by both renters and buyers. Lofts in prime urban areas are highly priced and can rent for $1,300 per month to over $7,000. Multi-bedroom lofts can command upwards of $50,000 per month. If you’re interested in acquiring a loft, you’ll need to consider the extra costs associated with the building, which can add significantly to the price of your monthly rent.

Typically, loft apartments have high ceilings and ample square footage. This allows you to decorate the space as you wish. Some lofts even have work areas or studios. Some are zoned for residential and commercial use so that you can run a small business from the space.