How To Cut Down A Tree By Yourself
How To Cut Down A Tree: Find a tree to cut down. No problem. As soon as you know how to cut down a tree people will sense it and constantly ask you to cut down trees for them. It will help if you know some of the technical vocabularies:
Equipment: Every piece of equipment used in this process is called a “Widowmaker”.
Tree Anatomy: The tree and every part of the tree is called a “Widowmaker”.
Terrain Analysis: Everything in the vicinity of the tree is called a “Widowmaker”.

1. Look up into the tree to ensure there aren’t any obstacles, including overhead wires or other trees, which would prevent the tree from falling to the ground.
2. Identify a clear escape route that leads approximately 20 feet away from the tree.
3. Determine which direction the tree is leaning and identify a target zone where the tree will fall.
4. Start the chainsaw and make the initial top cut down into the tree.
5. Make the second cut across the top cut to complete the open face notch.
6. Cut into the backside of the tree directly behind, and slightly above the open face notch.
7. Saw into the tree, leaving 1 inch of wood; don’t saw completely through the tree trunk.
8. As the tree starts to fall, stop sawing and pull out the chainsaw. Immediately move a safe distance from the tree along the escape route.
9. Slide a plastic or wood wedge underneath the tree and cut straight down about halfway into the trunk.
10. Insert a second wedge into the saw kerf, and continue cutting all the way down through the trunk.
11. Use the chainsaw to cut through smaller branches, followed by slightly larger branches. Drag the cut limbs out of the way.
12. Make an offset cut to sever very large limbs by first cutting straight down about two-thirds of the way into the limb. Then cut up from the beneath the limb, positioning the cut 1 inch beyond the top cut. Cut up until the severed limb falls away.
13. Trim off all the limbs first, before sawing the trunk and larger branches into 16-inch-long pieces of firewood.
14. Be careful not to cut into the ground with the saw, and never work alone.
Safety Gear For Cut Down A Tree
Safety isn’t a throwaway word when it comes to felling trees and running chain saws. You must take it seriously. There are a few absolutely essential safety gear items you need to wear for any chain saw work, and especially when felling a tree:
– A logger’s helmet to protect you from falling branches, a major cause of logging injuries.
– Earmuffs and a face screen to protect your ears and eyes.
– Safety glasses to keep the dust-out.
– Kevlar chaps, which will stop a chain instantly should you happen to drop the bar against your leg.
How Much Does It Cost To Cut Down A Tree
The average cost to remove a tree ranges from $100 to $1,800 with most homeowners spending about $700. For small trees up to 30 feet high you can expect to spend $250, for trees between 30 and 60 feet prices range from $300 to $700, and to cut down large trees over 60 feet costs between $700 and $1,800. Pricing depends on the height, diameter, condition, location, and type of tree.
Some people want more than a basic tree removal service. For example, if the price doesn’t include hauling away tree limbs, you may have to pay extra for limb removal. Tree limb removal costs vary, but it is usually between $50 and $75.
Additional services that may be added on for an extra fee include:
Stump Removal – Stump removal is almost never included in the price of removing a tree. Unless you pay extra for this service, you will be typically be left with a stump. Sometimes, you can get a special price to have the stump removed as well. However, different equipment is required and is sometimes done by a sub-contractor which is why this extra service can be a significant add-on. The diameter of the stump helps determine the cost of removing it. You can expect to pay between $60 and $350 per stump. A rotting stump should be cheaper to remove than a healthy, solid stump. Learn more with our Tree Stump Removal Cost Guide.
Limb Chipping – Instead of paying more to have the limbs hauled away, you may choose to have them chipped. If the tree service has a chipper readily available, this shouldn’t cost much more. If it’s not included, you may have to pay around $75 more to have it done.
How To Cut Down A Tree With A Chainsaw
Pinpoint the exact direction in which you want the tree to fall. Find a landmark from your surroundings to use as a guide, and use the sights on the top of your chainsaw to line up the angle to the directional notch you plan to cut.
Make a top cut into the trunk of the tree at about a 60-degree angle, sawing to a depth of about 20 – 25% of the tree’s diameter.
Make a horizontal undercut that meets the top cut. You should now have a notch carved out of the side of the tree facing the felling direction.
Make sure there are no people or animals within the safety radius of the tree felling zone. This is at least 2 times the length of the tree you are felling.
On the opposite side of the tree trunk, saw a horizontal felling cut a few inches above the level of the undercut. Stop cutting a few inches before you reach the directional notch. This will create a hinge on which the tree will fall in a controlled way. The width of the hinge should be about 10% of the diameter of the tree trunk.
Use a felling wedge as a lever to make the tree begin to fall.
Watch and retreat. Keep your eyes on the falling tree as you move away quickly but calmly. You should try to move away from the felling direction at a 90-degree angle. This will help you avoid both the felling zone as well as the opposite side where the trunk separates from the stump.
What Should It Cost To Cut Down A Tree?
The average cost to remove a tree ranges from $100 to $1,800 with most homeowners spending about $700. For small trees up to 30 feet high you can expect to spend $250, for trees between 30 and 60 feet prices range from $300 to $700, and to cut down large trees over 60 feet costs between $700 and $1,800.
Can I Get My Tree Cut Down For Free?
Many want to heat or repair their homes with wood and they may be glad to get free wood in exchange for their efforts for cutting the tree. If the tree in question is entangled in power lines or sewage lines, you can call the power or sewer company to remove it for free. You may also opt to cut down the trees yourself.
How Do You Notch And Cut Down A Tree?
The average cost to remove a tree ranges from $150 to $1,500. But other tree services may cost extra. For example, the average stump removal cost ranges from $60 to $350 and the average stump grinding costs $75-$1,000 depending on numerous factors.
Does Homeowners Insurance Cover Tree Removal?
Home insurance generally does not cover the removal of the tree unless it falls on a fence, garage or home and causes damage. Sometimes home insurance will pay for removing a tree if it falls and blocks your driveway. Typically, home insurance policies cover tree removal up to $1,000 per storm.
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