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Eco Life: The Green Homeowner’s Guide to Sustainable Living

Are you looking to lead a more sustainable lifestyle? If so, it’s important to know what steps you can take to make positive changes to your living situation and purchase choices. It’s also critical to know what bad habits to leave behind.

With a little effort, you can create a more energy-efficient home. At the same time, you can build a greener lifestyle that will help the environment.

Curious to find out more? Keep reading to learn sustainable living ideas that can set you on the right path!

Green Living Starts with Recycling

When it comes to green living ideas, an easy one is to recycle. You can toss a water bottle into the recycling bin when you’re at an airport or running errands. But you have to be more intentional about recycling when you’re at home.

A good first step is to designate a container for recyclables. Make a plan and make sure that everyone in your household is involved with following it. Find a section in your garage where you can line up containers labeled for recyclable items like newspapers, plastic bottles, and cardboard boxes.

Find Ways to Repurpose What You Have

It might be tempting to buy new furniture or clothing any time something looks old or tired. But if you can get into the habit of repurposing what you have or buying secondhand items, you can reduce waste. You’ll gain more from what you already have and avoid spending money.

By heading to a thrift store to buy clothing, you can find good quality clothing for a fraction of the price. Look for old furniture that you can inject new life into a fresh coat of paint or some wood stain. You’ll get to unleash your creative skills, save a few dollars, and keep things from heading to the landfills.

To go a step further, try to buy local products as much as possible. Aim to purchase food or other goods that come from a shorter distance away. You’ll be doing your part to help reduce the number of trucks on the highways while supporting local businesses.

Switch Your Power Source

Are your utility bills high? Not only are high energy costs annoying for your monthly budget, but they also are an indication that you’re using a lot of energy.

Try switching your energy source. You can make a difference in your monthly payment while also doing something positive for the environment.

Solar energy is a good way to save money and introduce a clean and renewable energy source in your home. If you’re hoping to join the fight against climate change in an active way, choosing solar energy is a big step. Residential solar panels provide a cost-effective way for you to switch to solar energy while also adding value to your home.

And speaking of utility bills, go ahead and pay them online. If you can switch your bill payments for everything to an online process, you’ll cut down on paper waste in the mail.

Sustainable Living Ideas Always Include Composting

One of the best sustainability ideas is to add composting to your life. Composting refers to taking organic materials, like old vegetables or even coffee filters, and letting them decompose. Eggshells, fruits, newspapers, and lots of other organic materials can be composted.

Composting helps to lower the emission of methane gas, which is not good for the environment or personal health. You’ll end up keeping more items out of landfills.

Another benefit is that these composted materials are full of nutrients. Sprinkle the compost onto your gardens or flower beds, and you’ll have rich soil and productive plants!

Composting is an easy practice to start — and you can get kids involved. You’ll build a new generation of sustainability-minded people in the process. Reserve a bin in your garage for compost materials, and periodically add those materials to a compost pile in your backyard.

Buy Greener Brands

When you’re out shopping, you can contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle. You have the power to choose brands and products that are better for the environment or reusable. And you might be able to cut down on your bills in the long run.

You’ll want to pay attention to labels when you’re determining whether a brand is green or not. Some brands are pretty savvy when it comes to using misleading words and colors. These design choices can convince you that their products are more sustainable — even when they’re not.

Look for labels that indicate that a product is made from recycled materials. Also, look for labels that show that an environmental organization has given its stamp of approval to the product.

Specificity matters when it comes to labels. You’ll want to buy products that can indicate they’ve sourced materials locally. And you’ll want to see a clear indication that the company used wind or solar energy, or included reused materials in their packaging.

Avoid buying products that claim to be safe for the environment without any third-party endorsements. While earthy colors and attractive logos can suggest an environmental connection, it might not actually be there.

Live a More Sustainable Life

Making the switch to a greener lifestyle is within reach. By following some sustainable living ideas, you can build more practices into your daily routine. All you have to do is make a plan, talk with everyone in your household, and get started.

When you’re ready to find more tips to make your home a better place, check back with us for fresh and informative articles!