Insect ID

Insect ID: Know the Pests Around Your Home to Protect Effectively

Scientists estimate there are 10 quintillion individual insects on Earth. They make up about 80% of the species on Earth. Bugs outnumber humans on a ratio of 200 million to one.

When cooler hits during the fall, it feels like those 200 million bugs move inside your home. Many bugs prefer warmer climates and seek out warmth to survive winter.

Insects take advantage of any hole or crack on your home’s exterior. Once they find a way in, you’re facing an infestation.

To get rid of pests the right way, you need an insect ID. What drives off one pest could be food for another. Do your homework so you don’t lose your home to an insect invasion.

Insect ID: Warm Climate Pests

For the most part, insects thrive in warm to hot climates. Homeowners in hot, humid locations need strict bug prevention routines. The majority of household pests live in these types of conditions.

Cockroaches love living in warm, damp places. They survive on any food scraps around your home. Carpenter and fire ants likewise enter your home searching for fallen sugary food.

Desert dwellers aren’t safe from insect invasions. Wood-boring beetles pose the biggest threat in this climate. Left untreated, a beetle infestation can lead to structural damage in your home.

Insect ID: Cold Climate Pests

Cold weather stunts the growth of many insect species. Homeowners in cold regions don’t need to worry about pest control until springtime. Start your DIY pest control when the temperatures rise.

Most pests in cold climates stay in your garden. Slugs and snails won’t hurt you, but they will eat your garden. Snails lay 80-400 eggs at a time and can take over your yard in no time.

Are there tons of tiny bugs covering your plants? They are aphids, and they kill your plants by draining their sap. An aphid infestation will ruin your young garden plants.

The Best Bug Prevention Practices

To keep your home pest-free, you need to create a barrier. Fill any crack or hole in your home’s exterior.

Refresh the caulk around your bathtub and toilet. It will keep bugs from entering through the crawlspace or basement.

A few more DIY pest control tips:

  • Spread eggshells in the garden to repel slugs and snails
  • Introduce ladybugs in the garden to eat aphids
  • Mint plants repel flies, fleas, and ants
  • Diatomaceous earth kills crawling insects

Be careful using DIY methods around dogs and cats. Make sure whatever you use won’t hurt them, as well. Visit for more information on pest control.

Pest Control Will Keep Your Home Bug-Free This Winter

To defeat an enemy, you need to learn all you can about them. Insect ID is the first step to ending your pest infestation nightmare.

Take pictures of any pests you find and can’t identify. Your local pest control will know what kind of insect you’re dealing with.

Hard to kill pests like bedbugs need professional pest control services. Most DIY methods don’t work and can damage your home. If you spot these pests, get help before it turns into an infestation.

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