front yard decorating ideas

4 Front Yard Decorating Ideas You Need to Try

The first impression of your home for visitors and passersby alike is your front yard. An unkempt front yard leaves a negative impression of your home, even if the interior is spic and span. The effect is so powerful that curb appeal can boost a home’s sale value by as much as 7-14% depending on the area and neighborhood. Whether you plan to sell your home soon or not, lovely landscaping is a fantastic investment. Check out these front yard decorating ideas for inspiration.

1. Frame Trees with a Retaining Wall

How to decorate trees? Simply build a small retaining wall around them with decorative blocks and a bit of mortar. It looks polished and makes your trees really stand out. This is a perfect accent for blooming cherry trees or any type of decorative tree.

You can even add a few colorful plants around the base of the tree to add some bright pops of color.

2. Clear Out Unwanted Trees

Sometimes you won’t want the trees that are in your yard. The top of a tree near the street might interfere with the powerlines or one close to your home may have grown so large that it poses a danger of falling on your house during a storm. Or maybe you’re just plain tired of cleaning up all the fallen leaves.

Regardless, you’ll want to hire a professional tree removal company to safely clear them out of your yard.

3. Add a Lattice

Lattices are inexpensive and are fantastic for covering up unsightly areas of your yard. For example, you might put up a lattice and hide your garbage cans behind it.

For extra points, plant a climbing plant like morning glory or wisteria at the base of your lattice and let it take over. It’s one of the easiest outdoor decorating ideas that can have a big impact on the appearance of your yard.

4. Tend the Lawn

In many front yards, the lawn is the largest piece of your decor. But if your idea of taking care of the lawn is mowing it a couple of times a month, you probably aren’t enjoying the loveliest lawn that you could be.

Give a little love to your lawn. Spread a bit of new seed over patchy areas. Rake some fertilizer over your lawn in the spring to give it the nutrients it needs to grow lush and green in the summer. Don’t forget to water it when it starts to get dry.

Wondering how to decorate a lawn once it’s in tiptop shape? Add a couple of bright bits of lawn decor like metal butterflies for extra color.

Front Yard Decorating Ideas Galore

These are only four of many front yards decorating ideas that you can try. Get creative with it! You might surprise yourself with what you can come up with. Sometimes simple touches are the just the cherry on top you were looking for.

Looking for more home improvement landscaping ideas? Check out more of our blog!